Mikael Vogel

An eine Bonin-Erddrossel in einer Schachtel in einer Schublade im Sammlungsraum des Senckenberg Naturmuseums in Frankfurt / To a Bonin Thrush in a Box in a Drawer in the Collections of the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt

Für immer
Auf dem Rücken liegend
Dein Luftkleid zer-
Zaust, eine Flaumbreit zu ungekämmt um im
Nächsten Moment mit anmutvoller Leichtheit glattgestrichen zu werden..
Dein Schnabel hält still
Deinen Kopf trägst du abge-
Wendet, weiße Bauchfedernzärtlichkeit.
Als von Kittlitz am 2. Mai 1828 auf Chichijima ankam ent-
Deckte, erschlug er euch noch an der Landungsstelle – ihr wart so viele!
Den Boden bezogt ihr dem Himmel einfach mit ein!
Zwei Jahre später begannen Walfänger für Schiffsreparaturen anzulegen
Ratten, Siedler gingen an
Land, Ziegen, Schweine, Hunde, Katzen. Deine Zehen auseinanderge-
Faltet, zer-
Brechliche Ästchen
Deine Art ist niemals wiederge-
Funden worden

Lying on your back
Sky skirt
Ruffled, a fuzz-width too unkempt to be
Smoothed down with a moment’s loving care..
Beak still
Your head turned to one
Side, white belly-feather tenderness.
As von Kittlitz arrived on Chichijima, May 2, 1828, he dis-
Covered, clobbered you down at disembarkment – you were so many!
Ground for you vast as the sky!
Two years later, whalers began landing for ship repairs
Rats, settlers on
Land, goats, pigs, dogs, cats. Your toes spread a-
Part, brittle
Your species never
Found again

Translated by Jon Cho-Polizzi

About Mikael Vogel

Poet, based in Berlin.

Six books of poetry:
zum Bleiben, wie zum Wandern – Hölderlin, theurer Freund (with José F. A. Oliver, Schiler & Mücke, 2020)
Dodos auf der Flucht. Requiem für ein verlorenes Bestiarium (Verlagshaus Berlin, 2018)
Morphine (Verlagshaus Berlin, 2014)
Massenhaft Tiere (Verlagshaus Berlin, 2011)
O Wildnis Dunkelheit! – Nachtgedichte (Offizin S. Meran, 2009)
Kassandra im Fenster (with Friederike Mayröcker and Bettina Galvagni, Offizin S. Meran, 2008).

In 2020, he published his poetological essay and manifest 'TIER. Ein Tier schreibt als Mensch ein Gedicht über ein Tier' (Edition Poeticon, Verlagshaus Berlin).
In 2016, his novella, Ebola Global', was released by the renowned underground publisher SuKulTuR whose booklets are distributed in vending machines.

In 2002, he was awarded a Hermann Lenz Writing Grant. In 2015, he traveled to Hōkkaido, Japan with a Yakiuta Travel Grant; in addition to his research there for Dodos auf der Flucht, work from his residence in Hōkkaido will appear in 2020 in a band of poetry on Japan. He was awarded the Medienpreis RAI Südtirol from Lyrikpreis Meran in 2016. In 2017, he was appointed Writer-in-Residence at Kommandantenhaus Dilsberg by the Kulturstiftung Rhein-Neckar-Kreis e.V. Mikael Vogel is a recipient of the 2019 Literaturstipendium from the German state of Baden-Württemberg and was appointed LeseLenz Writer-in-Residence at Hausach that same year. He is a current recipient of the Arbeitsstipendium for German Literature for authors in Berlin 2021.

His poem “An den Schluckspecht” [To the Boozehound] inspired a craft beer with the name “Schluckspecht Pils” [Boozehound Pilsner] from the Berlin-based microbrewery Bierfabrik — his poem was printed on the label until Bierfabrik went extinct.

Friederike Mayröcker included two poems by Mikael Vogel in the list of her 25 favorite poems of all time.

Profile image: Mikael Vogel