Samantha Barendson

I'm bored / Je m'ennuie

I'm bored

I turn on the TV,
throw myself on the sofa,
I flick on

I'm bored

Like that screaming blonde woman
Like that cook burning potatoes
Like that barking dog
Like that yelling politician
Like that lion that eats gazelles
Like the Coca Cola
Like the Mac Donald
Like the cream that keeps you young
Like the cream that makes you slim
Like the cream that turns you beautiful
I turn off the TV
I go out

I'm bored

People everywhere
People off the couch
who search in vain
for solutions
to get away from boring
to fill the
the void
the hole
the space

I'm bored

The metro
back and forth
back and forth
back and forth
People everywhere
People pushing

I look for some poetry
in the street
I think I've found it
but I stumble
on slimy, black things
on heaviness
on demotivations
on long faces
on queues
on sadnesses
on errands
on troubles

I'm bored

Shopping bang-bang

I'm bored

I'm looking for some poetry

I go shopping
come back home
What's for dinner?
Have you done your homework?
Dinner's ready!
Take your elbows off the table
Shut up
Stop kicking your sister

I'm bored

Falls the night
falls the noise
The children are sleeping
The cars are silent
The world has gone home
and watches television

I can finally
make love


Je m’ennuie

J’allume a télé,
me jette dans le canapé,
je zappe

Je m’ennuie

Comme la femme blonde qui crie
Comme le cuistot qui brûle ses patates
Comme le chien qui aboie
Comme le politicien qui hurle
Comme le lion qui mange les gazelles
Comme le Coca Cola
Comme le Mac Donald
Comme la crème qui rajeunit
Comme la crème qui amincit
Comme la crème qui rend belle
J’éteins la télé
je sors

Je m’ennuie

Des gens partout
Des gens hors-canapé
qui cherchent en vain
des solutions
pour se désennuyer
des objets
pour combler
le vide
le trou

Je m’ennuie

Le métro
aller retour
aller retour
aller retour
Des gens partout
Des gens qui poussent

Je m’ennuie

Je cherche un peu de poésie
dans la rue

Je pense l’avoir trouvée
mais je trébuche
sur des choses visqueuses et noires
sur des pesanteurs
sur des démotivations
sur les visages longs
des files d’attente
des tristesses
des courses
des ennuis

Je m’ennuie

Shopping bang-bang

Je m’ennuie

Je cherche un peu de poésie

Je fais les courses
reviens à la maison
Qu’est-ce qu’on mange ?
Vous avez fait vos devoirs ?
A taaable !
Enlève tes coudes de la table
Arrête de donner des coups de pieds à ta soeur

Je m’ennuie

Tombe la nuit
tombe le bruit
Les enfants dorment
Les voitures se taisent
Le monde est rentré chez lui
Il regarde la télévision

Je peux enfin
faire l’amour

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About Samantha Barendson

Samantha Barendson is a French, Italian and Argentinian poet. She was born in 1976 in Spain, grew up Mexico and finally settled in France, in Lyons. Like herself, her writing travels from one language to another, and sometimes get mix in a creative reinvention.

Author of poetry but also novels, she likes to work with other artists, painters, illustrators, photographers, dancers and musicians. Then she likes to declaim, perform or sing her poetry on stage, a little frustrated for not being a Tango singer.

She is an active member of the collective Le syndicat des poètes qui vont mourir un jour (The union of poets who will die someday) whose purpose is to promote poetry for everyone and everywhere. She is also member of the collective Le cercle de la maison close (The whorehouse society) which offers performances combining poetry, music and visual arts.

Since 2016, Samantha has been selected by the Versopolis project to attend several festivals across Europe.

Profile image: Samantha Barendson