Brskaš po policah. Lep zasnežen jogurt –
lonček, ki vsebuje sneg, si misliš.
Kaj si misli dekle, ki ga tudi kupuje?
Misli na belo mleko, na kri,
ki prekriva dno lončka in njenega življenja?
Kaj pa starec? Kaj pa on? Je pomislil na vojno,
ko je snežil strah in se strdil v smrtno pokrajino?

Brskaš po policah. Razkošna čokolada –
lahko bi se namazal z njo in postal temen
kot arabska lepotica, črn kot Nimba.
A tudi fantu na levi prinaša to misel?
Na kaj misliš, fant? Na telo ženske ali
na telo čokolade, ki bi jo lizal s telesa ženske?
In kako strastno namaka svoje oči tista ženska v čokolado.
Zakaj polaga svoj pogled vanjo?
Zakaj osvaja riž, ki je v njej?
Zakaj niža ceno z jezikom denarnice?
Zakaj jo hoče in noče obenem?

Brskaš po policah. In polniš vozičke.
In jih odrivaš proč, a se vrnejo.
Pokličejo te. In ti pritečeš in kupuješ.
In pri blagajni se ti denarnica sumljivo
raztegne, stanjša, posuši in pade,
kot jesenski list, ki ga odtrga veter z veje.
In te prodajalka lepo pogleda
in ker se med nakupom s svojim vozičkom
nisi v nikogar zaletel,
dobiš še srebrno nalepko za brezplačno parkiranje


You are rummaging through the shelves. Beautiful snowy yoghurt –
a cup holding snow, you think to yourself.
What is a girl, who is also buying it, thinking?
Is she thinking about white milk, blood,
that covers the bottom of the cup and her life?
What about the old man? What about him? Did he think about the war,
when fear was snowing and hardened into a mortal landscape?

You are rummaging through the shelves. Luxurius chocolate –
I could smear myself in it and become dark
like Arabian beauty, black like Nimba.
Is it carrying the same thought to the lad on the left?
What are you thinking about, lad? About a woman's body
or a body of chocolate that you would lick from a woman's body?
And just how passionately is that woman soaking her eyes into chocolate.
Why is she laying her look in it?
Why is she seducing the rice in it?
Why is she lowering the price with the language of a wallet?
Why does she want it and not at the same time?

You are rummaging through the shelves. And filling up your shopping carts.
And pushing them away, but they return.
They summon you. And you come and buy.
And at the cashier's counter your wallet suspiciously
streches, becomes thinner, dries up and falls,
like a fall's leaf that a wind tears off a branch.
And a saleswoman gives you a nice look
and because during your shopping
you haven't hit anyone
with your shopping cart,
you get a silver sticker for a free parking
next time.

(Translated by Filip Gračnar)

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David Bedrač, born in 1978, is a slovenian poet, writer, literary critic and author of literary and cultural articles. He is the author of seven poetry books for adults: Neskončnost (1998), Poezija pomolov (2001), Pesmi iz šipe (2006), Centimetri sveta (2010), Tanka molčanja (2013), Tvoj nakupovalni voziček (2014) and V hiši tvojega popka (2017). He also writes children’s literature, he has published a collection of children’s poetry: Pesniška hiša (2008), Gugajčki in gugaji (2010), So že smehci k vam prispeli (2014) and Igravčki (2021). He runs literary workshops and camps all across Slovenia. He has written two poetry handbooks titled Brez uteži (2007) and Pesniške poti brez uteži (2018). He is especially dedicated to the contemporary slovenian poetry – he has written doctoral dissertation about.

Profile image: DAVID BEDRAČ