Ona otvara prozore i spušta kapke,
Dan je savršeno zimski miran i nijedan vetar
neće poremetiti pauzu između dve praznine:
One u kojoj je zatečena i druge u koju leže.
Ispod kapaka vri nemirna zenica koja
samo želi da pogleda, da vidi uvek, samo još jednom,
neki mogući put. Ono drhti nemirno kao ptičija krila,
nervozni cvrkut na čistom plavom,
na jasnom pogledu kroz otvoren prozor:
neće pogledati
neće usniti
Ona je budna pod niskim nebom tavanice,
ali njeno telo ne želi pokret u svet.
Svet je igralište oivičeno rubovima kreveta,
Dok ispod kapaka, dok pod njima kapka,
splin unutrašnjih mapa, drugačije opisanog grada:
neće pogledati
neće usniti
Prošla je prva izmaglica prošlo je toplo telo,
Leto je proteklo kao pesak odnekud pod zubima,
Lomljen u buduće kamenolome –
Ona pevuši tiho, ona jeste tiha, ništa joj ne može
nijedan glas razuma, niko je ne može dotaknuti
neće pogledati
neće usniti
Ona spušta kapke i rukama napipava novouspostavljeni mrak
Ona dolazi, ona ostaje, ona odustaje
I neprestano kaplje u dodiru sa svežim zrakom.
She opens the windows and closes her eye-lids,
The day is in a perfect winterly peace
and no sound can disturb the pause between two emptiness:
The one she finds herself in and the one
she is about to lay down in.
Beneath the eye-lids, a restless pupil is boiling
its desire to look, always to see, just one more time,
a possible path. It trembles without peace like a bird's wing,
a nervous twitter on the clear blue,
on the bright view through the open window:
it won't look ahead
it won't fall asleep
She is awake under the low sky of a ceiling,
but her body does not want to move into the outside world.
The world is a playground wired with the edge of the bed,
And behind the eye-lids, the lids are melting in drops,
a spleen of inner maps, of a differently described city:
it won't look ahead
it won't fall asleep
The first haze is over, the warm body has gone by,
A summer slipped like sand, out of nowhere, between her teeth,
Crushed in the future quarry -
She sings a quiet song, she is quiet, nothing can get to her,
not a single voice of reason, no one can touch her anymore
it won't look ahead
it won't fall asleep
She closes her eyes reaching for a newly discovered darkness
She comes, she stays, she is giving up
And continuously melting in drops when in contact
with the fresh air.
Translated by the author and Lara Jakica